When you have a goal coupled with ambition, there should be nothing in this world in the way to stop you from achieving what you set out for, but in many cases, peoples dreams get deferred by other people, who my boy Kanye W. calls DREAM KILLERS. Ive done a lot of thinking over the past couple months trying to figure out what the key to my happiness was, and for me, it was discovering that i don't have to take the same route to success as someone else and that being yourself is OK. Ive never been more comfortable in my own skin until recent months. So im going to take my own advice, say hi to them haters and keep it moving.
TWITTA-QUOTE of the week:
RT @aplusk FireUp your PASSION! Allow urself 2 want the things you previously thought unattainable.Take a call,make a call,go 4 it all!
Kudos brother, kudos!