FYI: This specific blog post does not represent my opinion on this matter , I'm just stating the facts people. geesh...
The legalization of marijuana is such a touchy issue, the reason behind this is because yes, many people feel that it would be a strong economic stimulus, but at the same time, the issue of morality always comes into play. In the first video I posted above, Comedian D.L. Hughley is sarcastically agreeing with the drug's legalization, but in the video below, he shows how adamant is about how its decriminalization would prove to help uplift the economy. One of his main points was that, "marijuana should be under the same restrictions as alcohol and cigarettes" and since this is an "epidemic" that is honestly not going anywhere, then why not take some steps to regulate the drug to some degree.
Ronald Brooks, a narcotics agent, provided some good points as well.The statistics he brought to help formulate his argue show that teens are using marijuana less frequently, and that marijuana has proven to be a gateway drug to more potent forms of narcotics. Watch the video and formulate your own opinion.
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