Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bob Should Get a Lawyer...Seriously

The D.L. Hughley Special

FYI: This specific blog post does not represent my opinion on this matter , I'm just stating the facts people. geesh...

The legalization of marijuana is such a touchy issue, the reason behind this is because yes, many people feel that it would be a strong economic stimulus, but at the same time, the issue of morality always comes into play. In the first video I posted above, Comedian D.L. Hughley is sarcastically agreeing with the drug's legalization, but in the video below, he shows how adamant is about how its decriminalization would prove to help uplift the economy. One of his main points was that, "marijuana should be under the same restrictions as alcohol and cigarettes" and since this is an "epidemic" that is honestly not going anywhere, then why not take some steps to regulate the drug to some degree.

Ronald Brooks, a narcotics agent, provided some good points as well.The statistics he brought to help formulate his argue show that teens are using marijuana less frequently, and that marijuana has proven to be a gateway drug to more potent forms of narcotics. Watch the video and formulate your own opinion.


I Love My A Phi A

You Can Sit Beside Me...

I was sitting in my room one afternoon, thinking about how relationships and women are two things i have a hard time understanding. While pondering in my room, a song on my iTunes came on called Mona Lisa (When the World Comes Down). Its a pretty interesting piece of music, even though the All American Rejects are not in my top ten list of best bands of all time :p

You may feel as though you have the whole world in your hands and that you are in control of every situation that my come your relationships way, but it reality you don't. All great things must come to an end, even the "masterpiece of artwork" that you call your relationship, because even the Mona Lisa is falling apart. The beauty about this theory is that you don't have to let reality define your relationship and how you view your better half. You can live your life, in your relationship, within the realm of your own little world, completely letting go of everyone and anything that may come to put a road block in it.

Mickey Knox once said, as he was getting married to his sadistic partner in crime, "With the power vested in me as god of my world..", yes Mickey Knox is a completely fictional character in a movie, but at the same time, I can still understand where he was coming from. Although, he may have taken it a little far by declaring himself a god lol. He still saw that nothing else mattered in his life but him and his lady, and when it comes down to it, that's something that i can appreciate.

So when its all said and done, when the world seems like its ripping away slowly from the seems, having someone to sit beside you is what I would value in the midst of the destruction (figuratively/metaphorically speaking of course :p)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our Commander in Chief

In the first 100 days of President Barack Obama's administration, he has consistently been on the move in terms of changing the political climate of our time and also becoming one of the most personable and presidents of the century. Since Barack Obama announced that he was going to run for president of the United States of America, he has done very well in the task of instilling hope in Americans after a rough eight years with President Bush. With this idea of hope he was able to galvanize a very diverse demographic of people. Within the short time that he has been in office he has:

- Announced that U.S. troops will return home by the end of 2011

- Implemented a economic stimulus plan worth $787 billion
- Crackdown on education and and it's systematic reform
- Expanded woman's right to an abortion
- Etc...

As you can see with this short lived track record that our dear president possesses, he has simultaneously kept in touch with his constituents via social media outlets (i.e. twitter, facebook). He was recently on the Late Show with Jay Leno, although he made an unsatisfactory comment, he still rose above it, showed that he is human, and that everyone makes mistakes from time to time. This is a phenomenon that our country has never seen from a president before and the fact that he finds a balance between the two is a testament to his leadership ability. Change is what America needs to get out of the current economic crisis its in now, and if President Obama isn't the answer, then he is assuredly a step in the right direction.